undercurrents by Jane Williams’, Ginninderra Press 2023, was launched by Adrienne Eberhard at The Hobart Bookshop on Thursday 29 June 2023. Thank you for joining us tonight for the launch of Jane Williams’ latest collection, undercurrents, published by Ginninderra Press. Like most of you, I imagine, I have been a fan of Jane’s work for…
Category: book launch
Melrose, Shaine — book launch, Adelaide.
Melrose, Shaine — poetry collection ‘The Natural World Somersaults’. Launch, Adelaide, October 30th 2024
Daiza, Eliza Dune — book launch Melbourne 6th November 2024
Eliza Dune Daiza — poetry collection ‘Haibun Nation & Other States’, launch 6th November 2024.
Koraly Dimitriadis — book launch, Launceston 29th February 2024
The TPF 2024 kicks off its first pre-festival event with a book launch by Koraly Dimitriadis – a Melbourne poet, performance artist, film maker and short story writer. Join us upstairs at 6 pm on the 29th February at the Plough Inn (lift available) 170 Brisbane St., Launceston to hear this wonderful and multi-talented woman….
Carol Patterson — short story collection launch, Hobart, 8th Feb 2024
Carol Patterson third collection of stories (22), Vanishing Point will be launched by the Hobart Bookshop at Irish Murphy’s, Salamanca, Thursday 8 February, 5.30pm. The band Sanctuary will accompany the event: all are welcome. ‘Carol Patterson deserves much wider recognition for her brilliant mastery of the short story form. Each story immerses the reader in…
Simon Grove’s ‘Seasons in the South’ (launched Hobart, 23rd Nov 2023)
Author Simon Grove, illustrator Keith Davis and Dr Sally Bryant AM joined in conversation to mark the launch of Simon’s new book ‘Seasons in the South’, at Fullers Bookshop in Hobart on 23rd November 2023. Simon Grove is Senior Curator of Invertebrate Zoology at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery in Hobart. He hails…
Launch of ‘Reaching Light’, by Robert Adamson [Sydney, July 2022]
Robert reading and in conversation with his Flood Editions USA editor/publisher & poet Devin Johnston, with readings by Sarah Holland-Batt and Michele Seminara. The very sad news is that Robert Adamson is gravely ill. * * * * …
Anne Collins—book launch
Lovely to see that Anne Collins has launched her newest collection of poems and prose—’Listening to the Deep Song’ (Bright South)—in Hobart last week. The book was launched at Hadley’s Hotel on 11th November by Petrina Meldrum: I’d like to say how happy I am to be back in Hobart to share in the…
Hobart launch—Jan Colville’s ‘a small universe’
Jan is releasing a new chapbook of her poetry, a small universe! (published by Bright South). Where: Hobart Bookshop When: 24th of November, at 5.30pm Please rsvp: rsvpbrightsouth@gmail.com or call (03) 6223 1803
Book launch—Gayelene Carbis’ ‘I Have Decided To Remain Vertical’; Melbourne 16 Oct 2022, launched by Marion May Campbell
Plenty of support for Gayelene Carbis, when Marion May Campbell launched her new poetry collection—’I Have Decided To Remain Vertical’—at Readings in St Kilda last month. With Claire Gaskin MC-ing the event, local choir The Red Hot Singers — (‘This is not a choir, it’s a singing group … in other words, informal’, someone clarified;…
A conversation with musician and photographer Jules Witek
‘At First Glance’ is a marriage of the writing of celebrated poet Karen Knight, and the photographic inventiveness of Jules Witek. The result is a captivating spectacle of words and images. Jules discusses the couple’s forthcoming publication, along with plans for its launch. Read more.
13 Oct—Graeme Hetherington book launch (Hobart)
The Divided Self: A Tasmanian Odyssey (Graeme Hetherington) Hobart Bookshop, 5.30pm, Thursday 13th October Ralph Spaulding will launch Graeme Hetherington’s new poetry book ‘The Divided Self: A Tasmanian Odyssey. This is Graeme’s ninth poetry collection and portrays the poet’s troubled journey to escape an “afflicted self” shadowed with loneliness and paranoia. Tautly crafted short stanzas…
08 Oct 2022—Thérèse Corfiatus, book launch (Ulverstone)
A new poetry collection, Bridge of Words—a collaboration between Thérèse Corfiatis of Ulverstone, and Britta Stenberg of Sweden—will be launched by Fay Forbes at the Red Cross Hall, 49 King Edward Street, Ulverstone, 2-4pm Saturday 8th October, 2022. Thérèse is a featured guest of this month’s Tasmanian Poetry Festival (Launceston 30th Sept / 2nd Oct),…
07 Oct 2022—book launch, Kevin Brophy (Melbourne)
Brunswick Bound, an independent bookstore in the heart of Sydney Road in Brunswick, Melbourne, celebrates the release of Kevin Brophy’s latest collection of short fiction: The Lion in Love. The event is free to attend—RSVP to info@brunswickbound.com.au …
Mary Blackwood — book launch, Hobart: 22nd June
A little over thirty years ago, I sat down and interviewed poet and children’s writer Mary Blackwood in Hobart. To my dismay, the recording failed, necessitating a return visit to re-record our conversation, though Mary kindly says that part of the experience doesn’t figure in her recollections. In her conversation, she spoke of being a…
Launch: David Webby’s children’s book (March)
David Webby’s ‘The Misadventures of Harry and Larry: The Chosen Ones’ Launch — Hobart Bookshop (youtube: 3mins 09 secs) Two bush Mice, Harry and Larry, from the Bunya Mountains become trapped in a 4WD owned by two humans, known as Charlie and Izzy Humbledink, and are thrust into an exciting adventure all the way up the east…
Notes from a launch: Esther Ottaway’s ‘Intimate, low-voiced, delicate things’
My take on Jane Williams’ launch of Esther Ottaway’s poetry collection ‘Intimate, low-voiced, delicate things’ in Launceston last year — please visit here. ‘I’ve been a fan of Esther Ottaway’s poetry since her first, small, powerful book Blood Universe some fourteen years ago.’ she said. ‘The long wait has been well worth it and … I suspect Intimate,…
Children’s book ‘Tyenna’ (Julie Hunt, Terry Whitebeach) — launched by Daniela Brozek
Launch of the new children’s book Tyenna. The Hobart Bookshop presents Julie Hunt and Terry Whitebeach with an introduction from Daniela Brozek discussing the book and what they have learned about the Tasmanian environment. (from Allen & Unwin) An engaging and suspenseful novel about one girl’s experience of the terrifying Tasmanian bushfires. They…
Launch — Les Wicks’ poetry collection ‘Time Taken — New & Selected’
Time Taken — New & Selected’, (Puncher & Wattman) is Les Wicks’ fifteenth poetry collection. 2022 will mark the 50th anniversary of Wicks’ first poem publication. His imprint Meuse Press will turn 45. He has been presenting workshops around Australia across 35 years. Time Taken is a New & Selected collection revisiting his best poems…
Geoff Goodfellow at Adelaide Festival, 7th March 2022
Geoff Goodfellow returns to Writers’ Week with a reading of his new verse novella, ‘Blight Street, (Walleah Press), featuring Geoff and performers Roslyn Oades and Nic Darrigo. (From the festival’s notes): “Set in the northern suburbs of Adelaide, ‘Blight Street’ is written in the language and idiom of the culture it portrays. Harrowing but tender,…
Geoff Goodfellow’s verse novella for younger readers, ‘Blight Street’
The launch of Geoff Goodfellow’s new book, published December 2021 (Walleah Press) and due to be launched in Hobart late February 2022, has been deferred due to covid considerations. More details when available.