for Geoff Goodfellow
I read a class analysis
of Bukowski's oeuvre
& lent it to Geoff
who found it boring
& disagreed
with some of the interpretation
I told Geoff over email
I'd just finished reading
Orwell's essay 'Inside the Whale'
& what Orwell says
about Miller
applies to Bukowski
the class analysis
is unsustainable
as Buk was deep down
in the ocean
beyond the currets
of history
living in the belly
of the whale
which was covered
in barnacles
& scars
from fights
with sharks
& other bigger whales
& the water works
weren't good
and soon the whale
could be heard
across the seas
screaming for the rent
emitting a torturous music
now available for download
on idose
for teens on the lookout
for a particularly bad trip
Buk's incessant pacing
& chain smoking
weren't good for the whale
& brought on
its early demise
it was found beached
off the southern coast
of California
and when they finally
cut through
that make-shift
rooming house of the deep
they found Buk
buried beneath the blubber
of a 300 pound whore
now where's the class
in that?