Forthcoming titles



haiku & tanka, Little Studies in Loveliness (July 2024)

BAILEY, Thomas Forest

poetry, Lashings of Whipped Dream – spoken words ~ ink on paper (July 2024)


poetry, Dancing in Dirt (June / July 2024)

Born in Queenstown, a mining town in lutruwita/Tasmania, Kim Nielsen-Creeley’s poems have a keen sense of place, responding to landscape and history. Over generations her forebears have lived and worked in the bush, in the mountains and on the coast of this island.


poetry, high fire danger (July 2024)

As we bear witness to destructive and changing weather patterns near and far, how do we mourn a changing planet? This ecopoetry collection explores the destruction, beauty, humanity, and hope in unsettling times.


poetry, Pareidolia (July / August 2024)

'Pareidolia', finding meaningful images in random or ambiguous patterns, that moment when you see a face in a cloud or a tree. Ed Southorn’s debut eclectic poetry collection explores these surprising moments, revealing humans, flora and fauna are alike in ways we might not readily imagine. Southorn was a newspaper reporter for 32 years in capital cities and country towns across Australia and in England. He taught journalism in Queensland universities for a decade. His poems reimagine and reconfigure news writing, examine place as spaces of memory and belief and value pop culture alongside fine art. With wit and passion, Southorn takes a fresh look at the familiar and lays bare hidden spaces we never knew.

DAIZA, Eliza Dune

poetry, haibun nation and other states (September 2024)

In language that shuttles between intimacy and irony, Haibun Nation & Other States dwells on notions of loss, enmeshment and surrender through variants of the haibun, tanka, villanelle, and other poetic forms. Structured in two parts, this debut collection begins with twelve haibun, weaving decay and betrayal with disquieting disclosures of illness, endings and guileless hope. The work continues with evocations of the faraway — journeying across emotional and geographical distances, encountering dislocation, ecological calamity, fragile memory and tenderness amidst the inevitable heartache of grief. Through exploring experiences of family deaths and diaspora, Eliza Dune Daiza seeks to capture the continuous emergence of a reflexive interior self, infusing poetic inquiry with expressions of the gothic, the metaphysical and the sensual.


poetry, Between Two Skies (October 2024)

Between Two Skies is a collection of poems written since Kay Cairns arrived in Australia in December 1983, after emigrating from Northern Ireland during ‘the troubles’. The poems express her experience as a migrant, not only in discovering the landscape and culture of the new country, but also the conflicting feelings for the country she left. The collection’s title, Between Two Skies, and overarching theme, is that of the ever-present dichotomy between love of the new country and nostalgia for the land of one’s birth.

PENN, Bruce

poetry and images, (October 2024 ?)


Poetry Pedlars (Launceston) | Fortieth Anniversary Anthology

(editors | Marilyn Arnold & Ralph Wessman – March / June 2025)