Najwan Darwish | Dareen Tatour |
Najwan Darwish
is a poet from Jerusalem, Palestine. He has published eight poetry books in Arabic and his work has been translated into
over twenty languages. New York Review of Books, which published the English translation of his books Nothing More
to Lose (NYRB Poets, 2014) and Exhausted on the Cross (NYRB Poets, 2021) describes him as, “one of the
foremost Arabic-language poets”.
Dareen Tatour
is a Palestinean poet, playwright, photographer and political, feminist and social media activist. Tatour was born in the
village of Al-Rina, Nazareth, and considers the Arab town of Reineh her home. She completed studies in engineering,
programming, media, and film direction. Through her writing and photography, Tatour has sought to highlight the
injustices Palestineans face and in particular encourage Palestinean women to speak of their experiences facing
and overcoming abuse and human rights violations. [credit: