Shark fins as waves
six fins circling in low shin height tide
weave round rock
the afternoon light sharp jagged
too bright for my large eye
I wait for dark, for the rise of voice
as motion
the current quickens, this Woppaburra island
sounds out, a throat song
ricochets across sand and tussocks
traveling as the boats head back to the harbour
a memory of place, sharp as first incision
Curlew Curlew Curlew
Reviews of Kristin Hannaford's collection Curio
Hamish Danks Brown, reviewing Curio in Rochford Street Review
Mary Cresswell, reviewing Curio in Plumwood Mountain, Vol 2 No 1, Feb 2015.
Anne Elvey, reviewing Curio along with Julie Maclean’s When I saw Jimi and Kiss of the Viking in Cordite, 5th February 2015.
Poetry selection from 'Curio'
One more feather and I'll fly
Assisted Passage
More poems by Kristin Hannaford
Lee side, On board the Triton
Kristin Hannaford, launching Paul Summer's collection
primitive cartography, Rockhampton, August 23rd, 2013.