Sparkling lights blind my eyes.
Tonight the bridge is shining golden
and the ocean shimmers navy blue.
Dark trees cover some part of the view
but are mostly out of the way.
Colour spreads everywhere
but the darkness still surrounds it.
Cars lights flicker and disappear around the corner,
out of sight.
Cosy, warm and safe, as we pull our covers
over our tired bodies. A wave of heat rushes
over us, soothing us, rocking us to sleep.
Gentle snores and quiet whispering drifting
through the air.
Frost covers the car, thick as ice.
Grass is all crunchy, stiff as uncooked pasta.
The Bridgewater Jerry thickens, blocking our view.
Water soaks into the road, slipping down small cracks.
Katie Crawford is a 9 year-old girl who lives in Hobart and enjoys reading, writing poetry, bush-walking, soccer and the beach. Katie's poem 'Home Sweet Home' was an entry in the Andrew Hardy Youth Poetry Prize 2022.