


For Pete Hay

Trieste, with the coaches diverted for a bike race
at the final stage of our own Giro d’Italia
(without the azzurra lycra and with
the luggage’s tiny wheels growling
over the cobblestones as I stride ahead,
the EJ ("Teddy") White of this event),
is still the city where intellect meets
emotion, where the wind and rain turn
cafe tables by the waterfront
to film-set desolation even while
the backup crews are setting up their vans
and TV cables wriggle along the quay
like the eels whose genitalia
Freud studied here. The cycling groupies
scarcely have time to scoff a slice of cake
from Joyce’s favourite pasticceria
whilst we have hours to stand, to walk, to wait.

Poems from 'The Unspeak Poems and other verses

Pentecostal Chillout
Advice to an Emerging Poet
Clancy of the Cultural Studies Department

Other poems by Tim Thorne

Jonathan Burke McHugo Comes to Town
Bronte Country
When in California

Reviews of Tim Thorne's poetry

Taking Queen Victoria to Inveresk (1997)
Best Bitter (2003)
I Con (2009)

An interview with Tim Thorne

A conversation with Tim Thorne (2007)

Book launch by Tim Thorne

TULLY, John: Robbed of Every Blessing

Reviews by Tim Thorne

ALVAREZ, Ivy (edited): A Slice of Cherry Pie
ALVAREZ, Ivy (edited): We Don't Stop Here
BENNETT, Stefanie: Symphony for Heart and Stone
KNIGHT, Karen, MATHISON, Robyn, KNIGHT, Norma, REEVES, Lyn, WINFIELD, Liz: Republican Dreaming
LOMER, Kathryn. Extraction of Arrows
LUCAS, John. The Long and the Short of it
MANSELL, Chris: Mortification & Lies
MINTER, Peter: Blue Grass
RIETH, Homer: The Dinng Car Scene
SIMPSON, Matt: In Deep
WEARNE, Alan: Kicking in Danger