Walleah Press         Famous Reporter 19 (Jun 1999)


      Keith Tuma — 'Pegged and Dyin'

bat landed mixed greens change fruit words for squat
turkey neck guaranteed to maim alone this morning down with art
error withdrawal capital city normally use a telephone mood
American girls police medal guide for fabulous sweeter than fixed
passionately revered cutting the shoots boot creation
enjoy me while you can or just be gone oompa loompa

miners and diggers velocity of chaos hanging arms opposite directions
smart to love paper lanterns decorative nipples studio tour
aim to please those who can't moldy skunk dirty lick
modern revival aging edifice frequent boredom bike bandits
stoned harbor wispy skirts like this you see like this i mean
enjoy me while you can or just be gone oompa loompa

mostly everthing smells like sushi counter jockeys tractors brakes
never the same talismanic belief blue dress tax use
accordion with feet bottom of glass ethereal buzz thick in sign
exposure perfect crossword crack beyond the wall
floppy onion vacuum museum matching hats above the music
tiny men and women oompa loompa now be gone

Keith Tuma writes critical prose, poems and hybrid texts designed primarily for performance. His books include Fishing by Obstinate Isles: Modern and Postmodern British Poetry and American Readers (Northwestern UP) and Mina Loy: Woman and Poet (National Poetry Foundation, Orono, Maine).