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'Famous Reporter' # 19, June 1999


eric beach, jenny boult, Chris Cooper, Lucy Dougan, James Finnegan, Chess Haig, Andrew Harris, Venie Holmgren, Paul Howie, Emily Hulme, Mary Jenkins, Harry Johnson, Judy Johnson, Angharad Jones, John Kinsella, Karen Knight, Anthony Lawrence, Chris Mansell, Paula McCarron, Lissa Mitchell, Nicholas Moore, Kim Nolan, Wendy Page, Peter Riley, Michael Sharkey, Philomena van Rijswijk, Keith Tuma, Ben Walter, John West and Quendryth Young


Matt Simpson's collection, Cutting the Clouds Towards, (reviewed by Tim Thorne)
Anne Shimmins, Eden Observed, (Liz Winfield)
Alex Skovron, Infinite City, (Lorraine Marwood)
Sherryl Clark, Thicker Than Water, (Norma Knight)
Pa Nhia Yang, Bor Her, Bee Her & Chia Vang, The Hmong in Laos, (Jacqueline Cooke)
Journal Australian Women's Book Review, (Louise Oxley)
William Nicolle Oats, Choose your dilemma, (Barney Roberts)
Yve Louis, Lilith's Mirror, (Sue Moss)
andrea breen, CD: improvisation – image – voice, (Liz Winfield)
Leon Tripp, CD: SNAP, (Liz Winfield)

Essays, comment, miscellany

Liz Winfield, 'Aftertaste' - a brief exploration of recently published journals and collections
Pete Hay, Launch speech (Hobart, February 1999): Barney Roberts' collection, Gone Bush With Horrie And Me
Maria L. Zavialov, The Andrei Belyi Prize for Literature, commentary on the contemporary Russian literary scene
Parry Kostoglou, 'Little Mack the Knife'


Nigel Featherstone, Christopher Harris, Valentina hazell, Caroline Kirk, Lyn McLeavy, May McMillan

100 words prose & poetry section

Jude Aquilina, Doreen Bolton, Margaret Campbell, Sherryl Clark, David Farnsworth, Ann Hastings, Lorraine McGuigan, EJ Patrick, Debbie Robson and Barbara Strong


Jenny Barnard, Eric L. Houck jr, Marshall Hryciuk, John Malone, Lorraine Marwood, Robyn Mathison, Patricia Prime, Estelle Randall, Katherine Samuelowicz, Carla Sari, Barry Squires, Andrew Thiele, R.J. van der Draaij, Lesley Walter, John West and Mark Arvid White