
cut-up #2

the sky sang slowly down
to the ocean

and its notes floated
and never
stopped, never
came back

and when it sung to the shore
the flies would sneak into drinks

and though we never saw them
the dogs barked

back at it

with the bright snap
of teeth

and when the sunlight
melted down the stone walls

we found peace

Ashley Capes is a poet, novelist and teacher. He lives in regional Victoria and loves haiku, volleyball and Studio Ghibli. "The lines in the cut-up are taken from snippets from two of my pieces 'Saint Mark's square' and 'Vesuvius sleeping' which I wrote during or right after a trip to Italy in 2011. I reworked this poem a little more than a traditional cut-up perhaps, and added some small bits, so it's probably more of a 'mash-up' perhaps?"