Jill Jones—poetry, 'Ash is Here, So are Stars'

JONES, Jill—poetry, Ash is Here, So are Stars’

JONES, Jill—poetry, Ash is Here, So are Stars’


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Ash is Here, So are Stars by Jill Jones was published in October, 2012. This book by award-winning poet, Jill Jones, revels in language’s restlessness, enchantment and grit. Its voices are full of complexity and spontaneity, urgency and delight. Ash is Here, So are Stars contains an expanded version of the sequence ‘In Fire City’, which was shortlisted for the 2011 Whitmore Press Manuscript Prize. The ‘city’ in this sequence is made from textual and material intensities sampled from Australian cities, as well as traces of real and imagined cities that may resemble a London, LA or New York. The book also contains three longer poems that took shape when the poet lived and walked through areas of Sydney.


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Jill Jones’ ‘Ash is Here, So are Stars’ — from a review by Lucy Alexander

‘Verity La’—14th May, 2013


Jill Jones once confessed that there was a time when she wanted to be a rock-star[1], and there is something of this in the flavor of the poems here. Not simply are the poems sprinkled with references (‘Fine Young Cannibals’ the title of a poetic pastiche lovingly woven from ‘The Best of the 80s’ mix-tape) but her lyric impulse, her formative influences, edginess and attitude.


The poems come in fast – they swerve, they flash you with the scent of ‘Blood Bones & Diamonds’ they catch you, distracted by their songful voice and plunge you among the lanes and backstreets of the city. They turn your eyes to the graffiti on the walls and make it meaningful, then up to the ‘ghost moon bitten apple’. Jones writes better lyrics than those pretty boys with guitars strapped to their groins. But there are also poems here that move at walking pace: that grieve and grieve again for that ‘you’ that puts the poet in perspective.


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