Susan Austin—poetry, 'Undertow'

AUSTIN, Susan—poetry, ‘Undertow’

AUSTIN, Susan—poetry, ‘Undertow’


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(From Lucy Alexander’s review of Undertow — Verity La, 20th November, 2012)

In talking at the launch of Undertow Austin said of her poems’ … a lot of them are based on other people’s stories …’ and while we know this to be true most of them are based on her own. Their authenticity is undeniable. Their subject too close to what we could imagine as a young woman’s life to be anything other. But this is the strength of this collection, the thread that holds it together and makes it a book worth reading. Austin’s first volume has a voice that holds its own – in humour, lust, grief – it stays true. And if we still want to ask her: ‘Are you going to say if it’s fiction or non-fiction?’ of course she will say: ‘I’ll leave that to your imagination.’


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Extract from Gina Mercer’s launch of Undertow — Hobart, 11th October 2012


Now to talk about, and toast, this marvellous book, Undertow. Rereading it for the 4th or 5th time in preparation for tonight, I understood something vital. Susan Austin is a dancer. Her biographical note declares her to be an occupational therapist and an eco-socialist activist… but truly she is a dancer. This collection of poetry is actually a dance performance. In this book Susan performs dance after dazzling dance. Hers is a delicious and potent performance: deft, precise, sensuous and elegant.


The topics Susan writes about are engaging, serious, insightful, funny. She ranges from: the beginning of a new relationship; to the grief she describes on the death of a mother; to the inescapable guilt one feels as a first world traveller in a developing country.

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