JANET UPCHER | Flight Paths: Poems 1979-2023

'Flight Paths: Poems 1979-2023' | ISBN 978 1 763825 925 | 96 pgs | March 2025 | $20

Janet Upcher lives in Opossum Bay, near Hobart. She has travelled in the UK and Europe, has taught in Tasmania, East Timor and France, and writes anywhere. Although her favourite genre is poetry, she has published and won awards for short fiction, drama scripts, essays and reviews.

Alongside publishing her work in various journals, she has published longer works in diverse fields, including literary criticism, a history of Masters Athletics and collaborations with visual artist Jennifer Marshall to produce three Artist’s books.

After teaching English Literature, English and French language at several Tasmanian tertiary institutions and pre-tertiary colleges and secondary schools, she retired to focus on being mother, editor, writer and reviewer. She is now a devoted grandmother, beachcomber and bird watcher.