walleah Press
skirting the periphery
famous reporter
- lunchtime storm
- in my egg sandwich
- the taste of rain
- intermittent rain
- under a red umbrella
- lovers share coffee
- anorexia
- the cold stare of eggs
- on her plate
- guests gone
- an allegro movement
- as I clear the table
- [famous reporter # 27 : Jun 2003]
- silent dawn
- in the tethered barge
- a tramp
- ageing -
- each day a familiar word
- slips through the net
- rainy spell
- the firefighters eat
- their Christmas cake
- New Year's Eve
- all the riddles
- I haven't solved
- long convalescence
- sitting it out
- my dog and I
- gurgling baby
- from my garden the scent
- of ripe plums
[famous reporter # 35 : Dec 2007]
- the first bus -
- eight people chatting
- in four different tongues
- lunch break -
- squatting on the kerb
- house painters
- thickening fog -
- the lame man hops
- onto the last train
- mountain lookout -
- Dad's firm hands
- on my shoulders
- faster and faster
- my corgi pup
- chases his tail
[famous reporter # 38 : Dec 2008]