Walleah Press         Karen Knight         Famous Reporter 43 (May 2010)


Karen Knight—The world, according to Axl, aged 3


His red hair is a halo
against the sun, as he leads me
into the garden and points
to where the woolly mammoth
has been scratching its head against
our dead apricot tree, again.

He tells me in one breath:

I love apricot trees
but lemon trees are more.

I'm going to dive
into the bird bath now
and fight with an octopus.

I'm very brave.

Why do drops of rain
chase each other?

Why do cars wear lights?

I will never whistle
because I am not a bird.


We empty the bird bath
fill it with fresh water
from the green watering can.

He holds out his wet arms
and I carry him back
to the house.

Inside, shoes off
eating sushi on the couch
he tells me:

Your voice is like a Master Chef.

Fill my milkshake
to the top, little lady.

Help, your couch is eating me
from the toes.

Will you play flying sea turtles
with me?

Why are you so old?


After lunch, he helps me
put my sandals on.

He's going to take me to the pet shop
right now.

I'm going to buy you a humming-bird
he says.

What colour would you like?