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great great

have you seen the tape
the first great act
not until the spaceships attic
tables are twisted tunes
are played upon hu
man curves your smell attracts
cars across the road pursu
ing an accident style
was anything or everything & w
ords ordinary nerdy & sexu
ally exciting will you
join us in the battle against the
bureaucratic the patriachs d
ead yet the scenes w
e enact seem like dreams from h
is head seeing the tapell hop
efully explain the attac
k & where the hate came from s
ounds vibrate over the sands
the cameras been taken
from your shaky black hands i
m shattered the flattening of
the diction cant distract
from the battery actions & the b
lackouts & pacts arent the eq
ual of alibis or repentance
no need to snap were back th
ats all that matters jack
jake whats the rat
ing mate did we stack up as predicted