

White Pebbles

pagoda roof
of the Japanese Garden -
a cirrus cloud

white pebbles -
the old gardener
rakes new flow lines

the waterfall -
laughter ripples
from the pavilion

a bride starts
along the temple path -
gleam of gardenias

under the curved bridge
the roll and tumble
of bright koi

a child's smile
lit by electronic flash -

the hum of bees -
two old ladies finger
willow buds

boxwood bushes
curve into each other -
courting doves

distant traffic -
the creak of pine boughs
beyond the wall

lady in kimono
opens a sun umbrella -
waterlily pods

empty temple -
through a round window
the bamboo

pergola shade -
shadow of a dove
crosses the shrine

sound of the breeze
before it touches -
a crocus quivers

mondo edged path
twists towards the exit -
scent of jasmine