

In the land of Murphy and Buckley

In the land of Murphy and Buckley
landed gentry are properly inflated
The rest are simply stuffed.

Too pooped to pop, too shagged to complain
too tired to care, too weary to remember.

In the land of Murphy and Buckley
The idle rich idly profit, the active rich actively so.
The rest simply pay.

Too poor to count, too robbed to complain
too broke to matter, too skint to afford a good scream

In the land of Murphy and Buckley
nothing smells better than the ink on money
aphrodisiacs are things for superstitious asiatics
but real estate is a real turn on

In the land of Murf and Buckoh
the powerful are powerfully drunk
the rest are simply pissed

Too schickered to notice, too tipsy to tell,
too under the weather to worry, too bombed to feel