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old town hall
silence glides over
the empty dance floor

marshmallows melt
over the campfire
ghost stories

in the river, and then
the log blinks

Martina Taeker

companion call
of mystery bird —
my squeaky pack

miles flow under the runner’s shadow

Andrew Reeves

morning frost -
a ball of tawny feathers
wtih two tails

backyard pool -
the ripple of shadows
under the eaves

mardi gras
a crested pigeon
fans its tail

Quendryth Young

spring squall
bright ties snap
from dark suits

we shelter
beneath our sunhats
spring rain

Jo McInerney

winter grass
the wheeling kestrel’s
russet back

midday hush
sound of the cow

bush track
my puppy runs towards
a lyre bird’s whistle

roosting doves
the goanna’s claws sunk
into the bark

Nathalie Buckland

full moon
the sideshow alley clowns

polite ‘good mornings’
from a building crew
… autumn

rehab courtyard
a dry leaf shuffles
in circles

Lorin Ford

Easter Moon

easter moon
flowers dying on
a roadside cross

holiday cubby
kids nail boards
to a tree

candlelight flickers
on fish

stained glass
sunlight through haloes
on the altar boy’s head

easter moon
the collection plate

carving easter lamb
the smell of incense
and rosemary

easter egg hunt
tents scattered
under the trees

hot cross buns cold
in the garbage

Quendryth Young